BUCKLE UP: Massive Nuclear Verdict® Has Pennsylvania in a Tizzy!

Insights | 02/27/2024

BUCKLE UP: Massive Nuclear Verdict® Has Pennsylvania in a Tizzy!

Author: Maureen Daley Editor: Grace Shuman   Introduction Recently, a jury in Philadelphia awarded a whopping $976 million dollar verdict against Mitsubishi for its faulty seat belt design. It took jurors only four hours to deliberate, and they awarded $176.5 million in compensatory damages. For punitive damages, jurors deliberated for just thirty minutes before deciding … Read More

Insights | 02/27/2024

Top 10 Voir Dire Questions to Detect and Dismiss Nuclear Jurors

Author: Edward R. Leonard Editor: Grace Shuman   When it comes time to pick a jury, it is critical to find jurors who are open-minded towards the corporate defendant and may be less likely to award a Nuclear Verdict®. While any juror can go nuclear if the defense fails to defuse juror anger, there is no doubt … Read More

Insights | 02/27/2024

The Party Who Controls the Narrative Controls the Outcome in Trial

Authors: Maria Regina Kupillas and Maureen Daley Background In Abraham v. Thomas Jefferson University Hospital[i], plaintiff, a surgeon and director of orthopedic surgery, alleged a female junior medical resident and medical student became sexually aggressive without his consent while he was too intoxicated to resist at a 2018 pool party at his home.[ii] Plaintiff reported the incident to … Read More

Insights | 02/15/2024

Jury Awards a Record-Breaking $120 Million in New York Medical Malpractice Case

Author: John A. Anselmo  Editor: Grace Shuman   On November 30, 2023, a jury in Westchester County, New York awarded plaintiff $120 million in a verdict against Westchester Medical Center in the case of William R. Lee et al. v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation et al. This is the largest medical malpractice verdict in the history … Read More

Insights | 10/20/2023

Taylor Swift’s 13 Takeaways to Stop Nuclear Verdicts®

By Cayce Lynch and Ashley Paige Fetyko

Authors: Cayce E. Lynch and Ashley Paige Fetyko   We recently had the privilege of delivering a webinar to more than 500 attendees on how to stop Nuclear Verdicts® with Taylor Swift lyrics. Just kidding! We wish it was that simple. We did, however, spend two hours diving into the Nuclear Verdicts® Defense Methods through … Read More

Insights | 10/20/2023

The Shocking Reality of Jury Opinions (They’re Not in Our Favor, But We Can Change That)

Author: Stephen Haynes

Author: Stephen Haynes   Insurance companies and their counsel are all too aware of the proliferation of multimillion-dollar verdicts, and even Nuclear Verdicts®, across the nation in the post-pandemic era. Why? What has changed? Besides the obvious workplace changes and renewed emphasis on quality of life driving decision making, we need to ask ourselves, “Have juror … Read More

Insights | 10/20/2023

California Jury Awards 24-Year-Old Man $18.8 Million in Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder Trial

Author: Brandon Kerr

Author: Brandon Kerr   What Happened After a six-week trial, a California state court jury awarded $18.8 million to a 24-year-old man who alleged he developed cancer (mesothelioma) from exposure to asbestos in Johnson & Johnson’s talc-based baby powder.[i] The jury heard plaintiff’s mother testify she used large amounts of J&J’s baby powder on her … Read More

Insights | 08/22/2023

5 New Ways to Evaluate Cases in Light of Skyrocketing Social Inflation

Author: Rob Olson   Social inflation is a term originally coined by Warren Buffett, referring to the increase of insurance claims payouts and rising costs resulting from Nuclear Verdicts®.[i] California has long been considered a hotbed for social inflation due to its large population, high litigation rates, and plaintiff-friendly legal environment.[ii] In recent years, the … Read More

Insights | 08/22/2023

Fighting a Nuclear War in The Trucking Industry

Author: Edward R. Leonard     Nuclear Verdicts® continue to climb in severity and frequency, increasing by 27.5% over 10 years.[1] In the trucking industry, the average value of a verdict above $1 million has increased from $2.3 million to $22.3 million between 2010 to 2018.[2] Many businesses and defense attorneys have been left wondering … Read More

Insights | 10/14/2022

Runaway Verdicts: Reversing The Trend

Property Casualty 360

What happens when you mix major damages, a large corporation, a denial (or half acceptance) of fault, and an angry jury that wants to send a strong message? In the courtroom, the result just might be a colossal verdict. Such judgments that defy precedent and logic have been blamed for crippling business owners…

Insights | 08/10/2022

I Registered The Term Nuclear Verdicts® – Here’s Why

Carrier Management

Plaintiffs’ California dreamin’ became a reality when a Los Angeles jury went nuclear with a verdict of $464.6 million after an eight-week trial in June. The verdict included $24.6 million in compensatory damages and a staggering $440 million in punitive damages…

Insights | 08/01/2022

Viewpoint: Jury Blasts Defense with a $464.5 Million Nuclear Verdict

Claims Journal

Plaintiffs’ California dreamin’ became a reality when a Los Angeles jury went nuclear with a verdict of $464.6 million after an eight-week trial in June. The verdict included $24.6 million in compensatory damages and a staggering $440 million in punitive damages…

Insights | 07/21/2022

When Non-Economic Damages Pack a Real Economic Wallop


In part two of our conversation with Bob Tyson of Tyson & Mendes about defending against nuclear verdicts, we hone in the root of many high dollar damages awards: non-economic damages…

Insights | 04/22/2022

Teach Defense Lawyers How to Humanize Your Insureds

Carrier Management

Insurance carriers, are you and your defense counsel ready for the “perfect storm” of litigation that is coming once the pandemic is over? Are your teams trained to defend against the increasing wave of nuclear verdicts—jury verdicts of $10 million or more, or those in which non-economic damage…